Human Design and Abundance: How each energy type makes money

I’ve said this a million times and it’s what I’ve built so much of my business around, but I’m going to say it again: 

Everyone is designed to make money differently.

We all have unique skills, ways of interacting with others, ways of working, and ways of learning and sharing (which is all captured in our Human Design charts). 

So that means that we’re all going to approach money differently from one another. 

There so much to say around this, but what I want to give you today is a very quick explanation of how each of the 5 energy types are designed to make money.

Each energy type’s superpower around money, if you will. Their way of approaching it and calling it in. Their energetic signature with wealth. 

Manifestors make money by…channeling the path to abundance.With their direct connection to the universe, Manifestors are constantly receiving inspiration that’s leading them to the abundance they desire. 

Generators make money bymagnetizing abundance.

As Generators follow what excites them, they naturally generate an energy that pulls money & opportunities to make money to them. 

Manifesting Generators make money by…quantum-leaping into new levels of abundance.

MG’s can easily use the channeled guidance they receive from the universe + their excitement to quantum leap into new levels of wealth.

Projectors make money by…guiding the flow of abundance.

When a Projector has the opportunity to guide others and streamline/improve things, they are able to pave the path for money to come to them with little resistance. 

Reflectors make money by…amplifying the potential for abundance in their environment.

With all nine energy centers undefined, Reflectors are easily able to pick up on the most profitable traits of any project or person and amplify them in order to call in more money. 

Keep in mind that no energy type is inherently better at making money than other energy types. 

Like anything in Human Design, it’s all about HOW you leverage these gifts and work with your natural flow with money. 

P.S. If you want to learn more about HOW you’re designed to make money, check out all my Human Design + Money programs. 

And if you want to get my brand new masterclass on how you can use Human Design to Co-Create Money with Others (including co-workers, team members, business partners, or in personal relationships), then come join the HD HQ membership

This membership is the ONLY place where this masterclass will be available (it’ll be released to the membership on September 18). Plus, you get access to tons of other exclusive HD trainings and an amazing community where we can personally connect! 

Sign up before September 15 before the price increases!

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