3 Human Design Tips for Co-Creating Money With Others

Your partner/boss/co-worker/team member isn’t designed to make money the same way YOU are. 

I didn’t understand this until I got deep into the Human Design world. (You can read more about how I struggled with money in my relationships here.) 

But this has probably been the most powerful realization I’ve had around money, business, and relationships: we’re all designed to make money differently. 

This was a HUGE game-changer for me when I realized it

It makes sense when you think about it…

The big mistake most of us make is in thinking that everyone is built to approach money the same way we are. 

But we all have different skills, different talents, different life experiences, different educations, different backgrounds, etc. 

And that means that all those things will be applied in a unique way to how we each think about money and how we each make money. 

The truth is that making money is really about working with your gifts AND working with others’ gifts

This is why I love Human Design - it gives us a system to use to identify, appreciate, and leverage OUR own gifts for making money PLUS the gifts others’ have for making money. 

Because when we know how to bring OUR best selves to the table + know how to encourage OTHERS to bring their best selves to the table…we can make money with more ease than ever before. 

But HOW do we use Human Design to co-create money with others? 

Co-creating money per Human Design comes down to this formula:

Understanding YOUR Human Design + Understanding the OTHER person’s Human Design + Understanding how BOTH your designs work TOGETHER

We can use ALL parts of our design - and others’ designs - to tap into the most effortless way we can create abundance with others (whether that’s with your business partner, your co-workers, your team members, or your life partner). 

And I go deeper into this in the Human Design + Co-Creating Money Masterclass inside of the HD HQ membership (more on that in a bit). 

But to give you somewhere to start today, here are 3 tips on how to use Human Design to co-create money with others:

  1. Learn about YOUR energy type + the OTHER person’s (who you’re co-creating money with) energy type. 

  2. Since energy type tells us how we best work and engage with others, make a list of all the strengths of each of your energy types (particularly around work). Look at the ways these strengths are similar and ways that they’re different. 

  3. Look at how you can shift the way that you both are approaching money, talking about money, or going about making money. Are there any obvious things that need to shift to honor each of your unique gifts more? Do either/both of you need to do less of something OR more of something in order to apply these gifts to any money-related activities (spending, saving, budgeting, working, etc.)? 

Examining energy type is a great place to start harnessing Human Design to create more ease and abundance as you co-create with others. 

Applying just this one aspect of Human Design to the relationships where you’re co-creating money can create a world of difference in your relationships AND in your financial reality. 

Want more info on each of the energy types (and more) and how they can be leveraged to co-create money?

The Human Design + Co-Creating Money Masterclass will be released in the HD HQ membership on September 18 (this is the ONLY place it’ll be available)! 

The price for the membership is increasing on September 15, so be sure to join before then to get access to the masterclass (and all the other amazing HD content + perks) to get the lower price!

Click here to get all the details on the HD HQ membership!