For a long time, I was terrified to launch The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck.

I was a little ashamed to admit this, but I want to be transparent about my own journey. 

For a long time, I was terrified to launch The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck.

I’ve been teaching on money mindset for several years now, so I’m no stranger to publicly talking about money. 

But the deck felt different. 

It felt bigger.

Because I knew that in creating it, I was putting these messages around money into a different format - one that would likely reach a much wider audience than I ever had before.

And that scared me. 

Because it didn’t feel safe for me to talk about money (especially on a spiritual level). 


Because a lot of people are easily triggered by money. 

People get angry when someone (especially a woman) is saying that money can be easy or that the way we’re taught that money works isn’t always true…

And that’s because questioning our perception of money (and reality) is incredibly uncomfortable for most people. 

It took me a while to identify that this was why I was afraid to put this deck out into the world. 

But once I did, realized that that was the exact reason why I NEEDED to create and share it. 

Because money shouldn’t be taboo.

It’s such a HUGE part of all our lives…we SHOULD be able to talk about it, to share different views on it, to all learn and heal and grow around it. 

So I forged forward, and I’m so glad I did. 

Because the deck has changed my life in miraculous ways and pushed my financial reality to new standards I couldn’t have imagined before. 

And it’s already changed the financial reality of others (like the artist who illustrated the deck - more on that will be shared on the WWO IG account down the road!). 

I made this deck to help the world heal and transform the way we all relate to money. 

Ultimately, I made this deck for you. 

Because if you’ve read this far, I’m willing to bet that you’re courageous enough to believe that all the wealth you desire is available to you. 

It’s a rebellious act to talk about money.

But it’s an even more courageous act to look inward and transform your own relationship with it. 

I’m so honored to get to share this deck with you. 

Click here to pre-order your copy of the deck (our first batch sold out in the first week of pre-order, so we’ve got another batch on the way from our printer - be sure to claim yours before they sell out again!).